Available courses

This course provides an overview of Active Support – A way to support people with disabilities to engage in meaningful activities and social interactions. 

This course utilised content licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. From the following website: https://www.everymomenthaspotential.com.au/

A training Video that introduces Dantae new worker App launching on January 1 2024.

This is a non accredit course that is mapped to theory components of CHCCCS020 - Respond effectively to behaviours of concern.

This course is designed to give Disability Support Professionals t4raioning in the basic theory of how to assist participants to take their prescribed medications.  This course is mapped to the HLTHPS006 Assist clients with medication unit of competency.

This course provides an general welcome and overview of key Processes required for your role. It includes how to access our staff app and payroll information.  It also includes a basic overview of some key processes and policies. 

Training Includes managing risk and guidance on the balancing act between Duty of Care and Dignity of Risk. It also covers incident management and reporting requirements for both reportable or recordable incidents.  The course also explores Regulated Restrictive Practices and the circumstances they can be implemented.  

A course that maps to the VET modules:

  • HLTINF006 - Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention and control
  • HLTWHS002 - Follow safe work practices for direct client care 

Maps to VET unit HLTWHS002 - Follow safe work practices for direct client care

This course is mapped to several key areas in the CHC33021 course.  It covers various law and ethics based topics relevant to the support worker role. It covers professional boundaries, code of conduct and other topics related to the role.

This is a course to introduce new workers to some of the essential policies and processes that workers need to know.